For, with modification:
Public Shared Sub FillRectangle2(ByRef bmp As WriteableBitmap, x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer, x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer, color As Color)
' Use refs for faster access (really important!) speeds up a lot!
Dim w As Integer = bmp.PixelWidth
Dim h As Integer = bmp.PixelHeight
Dim pixels As Integer() = bmp.Pixels
' Check boundaries
If x1 < 0 Then
x1 = 0
End If
If y1 < 0 Then
y1 = 0
End If
If x2 < 0 Then
x2 = 0
End If
If y2 < 0 Then
y2 = 0
End If
If x1 >= w Then
x1 = w - 1
End If
If y1 >= h Then
y1 = h - 1
End If
If x2 >= w Then
x2 = w - 1
End If
If y2 >= h Then
y2 = h - 1
End If
For y As Integer = y1 To y2
For i As Integer = y * w + x1 To y * w + x2
Dim oneOverAlpha As Byte = CByte(255 - color.A)
Dim c As Integer = pixels(i)
Dim r As Integer = ((((c >> 16) And 255) * oneOverAlpha) + (color.R * color.A)) >> 8
Dim g As Integer = ((((c >> 8) And 255) * oneOverAlpha) + (color.G * color.A)) >> 8
Dim b As Integer = ((((c >> 0) And 255) * oneOverAlpha) + (color.B * color.A)) >> 8
pixels(i) = 255 << 24 Or r << 16 Or g << 8 Or b
End Sub