Dear Teichgraf:
Thanks for your reply.
I already checked, but there is no such functionally where I could place center of rotation.
I did use function RotateFree .
var modifiedImage = WriteableBitmapExtensions.RotateFree(all[3], 30, false); writeableBmp.Blit(newRect(0, 0, 1000, 1000), modifiedImage, newRect(0, 0, 1000, 1000));Unfortunately there no no option where I could mention center of rotation and always rotates around center of image. Also I have now I have no idea of bounding Rect, so I placed very large Rect(0,0,1000,1000) , which is not ideal either.
In documentation I didn't anywhere center of rotation.
Once again thanks for the email.
Best regards
Agha Khan